Why would someone want to learn Korean? Well for me, I think it will come in handy living in Korea as I do now. There are tons of good reasons to learn Korean if you are living over here, all of which I plan on exploring in this little blog. So check in here daily and you might even learn a thing or two about this excellent language.

Learning Korean from a friend

I've been studying Korean for about a year and a half but that doesn't mean I know it. My study habits are random at best and I think of myself as a slow language learner anyway so that doesn't help.

While there are many good books and resources you van find that will help you learn Korean, I think the best is one on one tutoring. If you can find a good friend who doesn't mind teaching you, that would be ideal. Also, if they will do it for free, that would be cool too.

I just so happen to have a very kind and thoughtful girlfriend who has been helping me when she is able to. This has been the best experience because she is very patient and understanding. This attitude has caused me to look at how I teach English as well. I have to be on guard not to be too critical or impatient with my students. After all, they are learning a new language as well- just like me.

So, I plan on posting some entries in the future about what small bits and pieces of Korean I am learning on a weekly basis with the help of my Korean girlfriend. I hope it will be helpful to you!

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Sogang University Language Program

I recently attended the Korean language learning school at Sogang University in Seoul. It lasts for about two months and is 4 hours of intense study Monday thru Friday.

I think it was really helpful. Let me give you some pros and cons.

• excellent teachers and a "Korean only" classroom atmosphere
• If you study, you can learn a lot of Korean in two months
• excellent text books for real world conversation
• extra help classes for free covering vocab and pronunciation

• expensive (for me it was) about 1 mil ₩
• difficult to fit in your schedule if you were teaching full time like me
• very intensive. I fell behind after the first week and never fully recovered

Overall, I would recommend it because I really learned a lot of new Korean from these classes. And I even made some good friends there in the process!
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