Why would someone want to learn Korean? Well for me, I think it will come in handy living in Korea as I do now. There are tons of good reasons to learn Korean if you are living over here, all of which I plan on exploring in this little blog. So check in here daily and you might even learn a thing or two about this excellent language.

Resources Corner: BYKI iPhone App

In the Previous post, I reviewed the BYKI program and said there was no Korean iPhone app. Well, in the free version there isn't a Korean language option. however, there is a pay version for $7.99. You can get it here. Will I buy it? You bet! I'll let you know how I like it and if it's worth the money since it's a bit more expensive than the other apps I get.
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On March 10, 2010 at 2:29 PM , Anonymous said...

Very curious to see what you've been doing lately, did you ever end up buying this app? What's it like, any useful? Please, keep blogging! :-)