Why would someone want to learn Korean? Well for me, I think it will come in handy living in Korea as I do now. There are tons of good reasons to learn Korean if you are living over here, all of which I plan on exploring in this little blog. So check in here daily and you might even learn a thing or two about this excellent language.

Resources Corner: Reading and Writing Korean

Resources Corner is the title for any good learning resources I've found concerning Korean. I'd like to start this post off with a FREE resource that I found a few months ago. The site is called "Learn to read, write, and pronounce Korean." You can visit it here. This is a good beginners resource for learning Hangul, the Korean alphabet. I'm not sure about how accurate the pronunciation is on the audio, so I would suggest making some Korean friends which is the best way to practice your new language (More on that in a future post).

This site is broken up into 6 easy to follow lessons. It basically breaks up the Hangul into bite-sized portions to make it easier to remember. I tried to go over each one, a day at a time but I'm sure some people can just read through the whole thing in one sitting. It really depends on the individual. Some learn fast while others (like me) learn slow.
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