Why would someone want to learn Korean? Well for me, I think it will come in handy living in Korea as I do now. There are tons of good reasons to learn Korean if you are living over here, all of which I plan on exploring in this little blog. So check in here daily and you might even learn a thing or two about this excellent language.

What This Blog Is All About

I started this blog as a year long project on learning the Korean language. I have been living in Korea (Seoul) for the past year and I am a slow learner when it comes to foreign languages. I learned just the basics in year one so I am trying to expand my Korean so I can at least carry on a basic conversation and understand some of the words that others are saying to me.

Would you like to join me? Check up on my blog regularly as I will be posting resources I find on the web and any tips that I think might come in handy for those of us just starting out. Please feel free to leave a comment if you have any resources or ideas on how to learn Korean that you feel will help us all out. Who knows- in a year we might be able to hold a conversation or understand what the lady at HomeEver is saying to us. For those who are fluent in Korean, feel free to enjoy the posts remembering what it was once like to struggle with a language and then conquer it. Inspiring and helpful comments are always welcome.

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