Why would someone want to learn Korean? Well for me, I think it will come in handy living in Korea as I do now. There are tons of good reasons to learn Korean if you are living over here, all of which I plan on exploring in this little blog. So check in here daily and you might even learn a thing or two about this excellent language.

Vocab of the Day

Vocab of the Day will focus on one word and one word only. I have  hard time learning whole sentences of Korean so I will stick with some single words for this section. Who knows, maybe later on in the year I'll have a "Sentence of the Day" post.

Korean= 맛있는 
English= Delicious

This is one of my favorite words! I use this all the time when eating. That's probably because my vocabulary consists of about 10 words but who's counting. This is used to tell everyone how delicious you think the food is. I also say this to my kindergarten students when they offer me some of their snacks after school. I take one and say, "맛있는!" really loud. They love it.
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